Parents wishing to enrol children at Baldivis Primary School that reside within the local intake area can complete the Application for Enrolment Form and return to the school front office.
When submitting an application for enrolment form, please include the following documents:
Proof of Address (Lease or Purchase Agreement; Water or Land Rates; Utilities bill for your property)
Birth Certificate
Medicare AIR (Australian Immunisation Record)
Please indicate the school year your child should be enrolled in. The following chart outlines the year commencement date for students by date of birth, please click here to see the chart.
Completed Application for Enrolment Forms with all attached documentation are then submitted to the Principal for approval. Successful applicants are then contacted to complete the Enrolment process.
View the Local Intake Area Map
Students born overseas must hold an Australian Passport or appropriate visa before applying to the school. Overseas and Interstate applications can be emailed to with scanned copies of the required documents. In addition a copy of the passport and visa grant notice will need to be submitted with the application. (Please note that original documents will need to be sighted on arrival).